
Showing posts from January, 2024

My Transformation and Growth in “2023”

Hey Sisters,  I hope everybody’s taking care of themselves, Mind Body & Spirit, because that’s what it’s all about without one of those things in integration. There is no balance. Maybe you just coming out of some dark times and into fresh new energy or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, you get an opportunity to create some direction for the new year. My new year will be spent and reflection in spiritual inventory. No real big plans of getting together with large groups that’s not for me at the end of this cycle. It’s been a transformational year and I’m grateful for all of the lessons and all of the blessings.   Photo by: CraftLemon Here are some of the things I learned. 1 .  I don’t need validation from others! I stopped seeking validation and others and started seeking validation for myself. I realize not. Everybody has the same goals and path. Therefore they’re not gonna steer you in the direction that your spirit knows to go. 2. Stop, asking other people and ask my