My Transformation and Growth in “2023”

Hey Sisters, 

I hope everybody’s taking care of themselves, Mind Body & Spirit, because that’s what it’s all about without one of those things in integration. There is no balance.

Maybe you just coming out of some dark times and into fresh new energy or maybe it’s the other way around. Either way, you get an opportunity to create some direction for the new year.

My new year will be spent and reflection in spiritual inventory. No real big plans of getting together with large groups that’s not for me at the end of this cycle.

It’s been a transformational year and I’m grateful for all of the lessons and all of the blessings.

 Photo by: CraftLemon

Here are some of the things I learned.

1I don’t need validation from others!

I stopped seeking validation and others and started seeking validation for myself. I realize not. Everybody has the same goals and path. Therefore they’re not gonna steer you in the direction that your spirit knows to go.

2. Stop, asking other people and ask my intuition.

I released the need for other people's approval and started listening to the small voice that’s always there. I learned to tap into the source and wait for the answers to come to me naturally. Prayers and meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️ yielded AMAZING results.

3. Stop listening to other people and listen to the Great Spirit.

As I’m writing this, I’m seeing the same theme here. I started connecting the source through prayers daily and throughout the day not just when I wanted something or do root work but really building a relationship. I hate to say it I had a huge relationship with my ancestors, but only connected to Divine Source randomly and periodically. This year I went to source first, and this yielded a different relationship with my ancestors and heightened intuition.

4. Stop telling everybody what you doing and do it! 

This one has always been a major blocker, because of wanting approval, and needing validation from others I was always announcing my future victories before they happen, and wondered why I would encounter so many setbacks or not manifest them at all. This year I moved by spirit a lot more And I manifested some long-term goals this was truly a game changer.

5. My dreams and goals are too BIG for small minds.

Watch the company that you keep! Not everybody wants the best for you even those that are closest to you. It’s not their fault, my purpose just isn’t their purpose. Despite some of the drama that I’ve experienced, I’ve always held a tremendous amount of determination towards seeing the blessings that were promised to me in this lifetime but telling certain people Can sometimes distract or deter you from moving forward in the direction spirit is guiding you.

Photo by: tookapic

6. Sometimes I can’t but Great Spirit WILL!

This was a great transcendence, recognizing that, though I have the power to manifest, I have finite power. The source has all power and when I learned to connect with the source and co-create with the divine energy and express manifestations. A procreation Unlike any other begins to exist. Things began to manifest a lot better, easier, and more in alignment With where spirit was leading.

7. It’s never too late to heal.

I’m so grateful for this one! I always talk about my healing journey, and it seems as though my entire adult life has been comprised of this, however, the layers of the onion can always be peeled to get to the inner core. This year I tapped into my inner child and began to heal some very old wounds without fear.

8. My inner child is a precious and innocent spirit!

Something really exciting began to happen at the end of the year I started to notice that parts of myself that as a child disconnected me from my spirit began to be restored. It was as if specific experiences were corrected, and that innocent little child was able to experience joy for the first time. 

9. Rejection is protection!

Oh my, how this one was hard to see in the process of it. This falls directly in alignment with 1,2,3 and 5 of this list. Need validation and wanting approval. I had me going out of alignment and trying to do things that we’re not backed by source. Thank God for the universe, keeping me on the path and keeping me protected from people and experiences as well as things that I thought were opportunities. It seemed like I was failing, but in the grand scheme of things everything aligned just the way that it was designed people that I wanted to be friends with jobs that I wanted Solely for material gratification, I was pulled away and allowed the space for divine relationships and prosperity energy.

10. Never give up on your dreams. 

I love 💕 this one ☝🏾. This year I was able to manifest some pretty important goals, vitamin goals of my long-term 5+ years. It’s just the beginning, but I can feel and experience the changes happening already. I have been on a journey for 20 years, and I wanted things on my time, but there was a tremendous amount of shadow work and healing that was necessary to remove the blockages. Growth can sometimes be slow, but it doesn’t mean that you’re not growing. Things that don’t happen on our time doesn’t mean that time obeys our 24-hour day.

Photo by: Nck_gsl

So, what does all of this mean? It means that 2024 will be greater I unlocked the spiritual codes to some pretty complex understanding and it started with greater knowledge of myself. I’ve always been a seeker and I’ve had a determination about me to never quit reaching a mountaintop now means that there is more work and responsibility, and now I can see how I have aligned myself, and each step of my journey was necessary to get This place of spiritual transformation. But the journey never stops, and the transformation expands.

Until the next time loves! 

Zipporah Banyay a.k.a

Goddess Zee


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