No More Wasting Energy...

Hey sis, welcome back to my world!

Today, I'm vibing on a topic that's been buzzing in my mind lately - the use, and sometimes misuse, of energy. You know, I just wrapped up a podcast episode called "How It All Started" (I think it's episode 16, but who's counting, right?). You can give it a listen here.

In this episode, I dive into my journey into the holistic and spiritual realm. Spoiler alert: it's all about energy. Whether you're a newbie or a sage in this field, you know the drill: everything begins and ends with energy.

I've been in deep meditation about using energy wisely, especially considering the fast-paced changes in my life. Just last night, I did a tarot reading because, let's face it, things are aligning beautifully after a longer-than-expected downtime.

Photo by: BiancaVanDijk

For the past few months, I've been blessed not to work outside the home, but that didn't mean I was idle. Oh no, sis. I've been aligning, healing, and using my energy to uplift others. From shadow work to ramping up my prayers and meditation, my vibe has been skyrocketing. And guess what? People are noticing – they're drawn to me, and those negative entities? Repelled!

This journey has been wild. I started helping people, not fully grasping the whole picture, but feeling that deep, unexplainable urge to do it.

Photos by: BiancaVanDijk

And through it all – the prayers, meditations, readings – I gained more clarity about my purpose: helping others reconnect with their divine selves. It's like coming full circle, you know? I've been on this path for 18 years, and now, I'm exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I was meant to do. Sure, I've been helping people all along, but now, I'm doing it with a healed heart, at full capacity.

Remember those times I wanted to help people who weren't ready to help themselves? Or offered holistic services to those not serious about their healing journey? Yep, been there, done that. And let me tell you, it was draining – physically and emotionally.

Now, with more responsibilities on my plate, I see the need for balance. No more burning energy foolishly. As I step into this new phase of heightened intuition and spiritual gifts, I'm all about focusing my energy to its maximum potential.

Photos by: BiancaVanDijk

I did a class assignment recently that made me analyze my life and new responsibilities. It was eye-opening, to say the least. I realized I needed to balance my time – which, by the way, is also energy. So no more wasting time on things that don't align with my new direction.

And here's a thing about energy – it's an exchange. If I'm giving, I should be receiving too, right? Be it knowledge for money, or care for aesthetics, it should be a two-way street. That's why I'm saying goodbye to energy wasters in my life. This requires a strong mind, but I'm ready for it. It's all about caring for my mind, body, and spirit, unapologetically.

Back to last night's tarot reading. I pulled three cards – King of Pentacles, The Lovers, and The Fool. Talk about a powerful reading! It gave me the clarity I needed. I'm meant to keep my energy clear for the opportunities the Universe has in store. The Lovers card reminded me of the harmonious and helpful relationships I'm destined to build and The Fool. It's all about embarking on a new, exciting journey.

So here I am, ready for this adventure, guided by my creator, intuition, and ancestors. I'm up for the challenge and committed to not wasting my energy where it doesn't belong.

Until next time,

Zipporah Banyay but you can call me Goddess Zee


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