Why It’s Not Manifesting…

Hey sister, so glad we made it through another week!

This has been a challenging week, pushing me to grow. I’ve had a lot of fears and what I felt was non-clarity about important areas of my life. 

Standing at a crossroads again, the journey continues and the spiritual growth never stops. Lately, I’ve been working on manifesting some big things and I felt like it wasn’t happening on my timeline.

I remember at the beginning of my healing journey I thought that I was getting something wrong because everything wasn’t perfect and I wasn’t manifesting my dreams. I felt like if I believed it and if my thoughts were in alignment, then my outward reality should match.

This is partially true, but over the years I’ve learned that sometimes what I’m asking for doesn’t align with my behaviors and actions, and I have to change my thoughts over time to match what I want and desire. Sometimes my subconscious mind is blocking the conscious and I’m completely unaware because it’s the subconscious mind and therefore unconscious of the physical reality.

Photo by: Sarah Brown

That being said, these are some long-term goals that are starting to come to fruition. I’m talking about things that go back almost 10 years and I’m so close I can feel it but I can’t see it clearly just yet. My gosh, that’s the most frustrating feeling ever, which also doesn’t help because now I’m creating doubt and confusion in the universe about what I want. My desires are there, but my actions and fear tell the universe "I’m not sure if I want this."

Tricky, tricky. So as you can see, there are many layers to manifesting it's not just as simple as 1-2-3 as some might have you believe.

Or is it? Let’s break it down.

1) First, you need to KNOW in your innermost self that you are worthy of what you desire. 

2) Second, you need to affirm that you are already experiencing what you’re trying to manifest.

3) Third you need to move and behave through affirmative actions in a manner to draw to you what you want.

For me personally, the most difficult of these three is the first one. It’s easy for me to say affirmations. It’s easy for me to behave in a way that draws what I’m trying to manifest to me. However, I go back and forth between knowing that I deserve what I’m asking for and believing that it is happening.

What does this mean? You guessed it more shadow work. 

Photo by: Jeremy Bishop

Clearly, some belief systems about myself make me feel as though I’m not worthy. Most people don’t want to admit that, but if I’m being honest with myself, and I truly want what I desire to manifest I have to get real to see what’s blocking me from the goal.

Maybe it goes back to childhood, maybe it’s that teacher who didn’t make me feel valued or maybe it was one of the relationships I was in with somebody who talked to me like was nothing.

Whatever the reasoning, believe it, or not, these things can produce deep, rooted self-belief systems that are ingrained in us and against us.

So how do we get to the other side so that what we want to manifest, actually manifests as how we feel about ourselves?

Here are a few suggestions. 

Photo by: Content Pixie

1) 30 days of positive affirmations that are specific in ways that we don’t feel good about ourselves. ie: I deserve to be happy, I deserve a holistically healthy relationship, and nothing less, I am a perfect reflection of God/Goddess exactly as I am.

2) 30 days of self-care, and self-love. ie: being mindful of the words that I use to describe myself, getting more rest, a juice detox, etc… to raise my frequency, dedicating, 30 minutes a day to me and positive vibes.

3) 30 days of treating people the way I expect to be treated. Forgiveness of myself for the ways I learned to survive to overcome trauma… giving and receiving more hugs. Crying whenever necessary.

All of these things, and many more are great ways to release stored trauma, raise your frequency, and allow the energy and space for new energy to flow in repairing those old wounds on a deeper level and creating new healthy and holistic habits that integrate the mind, body and spirit. 

After this, it’s easy to affirm what it is that I want to manifest and begin to take the action steps because my wants and desires are no longer in conflict with what I’m trying to manifest.

This is deep stuff, and not for the faint-hearted but I know that I’m worth it and I’m coming after everything that’s mine. I truly hope this helps somebody get closer to what they want to create in their life.

Until the next time loves, remember to take care of yourself mind, body and spirit and remember you’re worth it!

Zipporah Banyay a.k.a

Goddess Zee 


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