How Unaccountability Shapes Our Reality! Unseen Chains of Society!

What's up Family,

I hope your week was better than mine. The other day was one of those days. It was next to horrible! I was powerless over so many people, places, and things again. I'm an Aries proud leader of the zodiac, a leader by nature with a competitive mindset and I can't stand to be on the losing team. Not to mention we Aries can have quite the temper. This is something I've had to master over the years. With wisdom and maturity, it has gotten a lot better and more appropriate for the occasion but I still have my moments but much better than the old days.

Anyway so back to my vent. So I finally got the job of my dreams and Chile there's always a catch between what we think we want and what it actually is. For me it seems that my dreams can be a bit unrealistic, I don't know if it's because it's really based on hope and emotion more than an intricate balance between the left brain and right brain. 

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

I knew that entering this professional realm could have its pressures but I must’ve been going by what I saw in the movies. It seemed like an exciting kind of pressure. It seemed like being a part of the best! I didn’t know it would consist of blame a culture of shifting responsibility While preaching accountability and growth and demonstrating A lack of principles while expecting others to do what you don’t. Oh yeah, and in the accountability department, they meant you were going to take responsibility for your shit and theirs except unless it was something good then of course they get the credit for that. As they trained you in the talents they hired you for.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not nearly perfect in any way and I have my flaws just like everybody, but it seems like we come from a society that does not live by spiritual principles at all. Nobody wants to take accountability for their actions, it’s always somebody else’s fault. People go to their spiritual centers on selective days and leave the principles in the building. 

When did we become such a blame culture? What’s the point of teaching children in school to do the right thing, to tell the truth, to learn to be responsible for yourself if we’re just gonna go out here and behave as adults like children who are afraid of getting caught or not getting it right? As if being imperfect is a crime and you are subject to the public's judgment, approval, or disapproval. Just think about the pressure we put on learning and growing children's minds to be society's PERFECT at a young age!

Photo by Unsplash Tinsley Injury Law

Newsflash, mistakes happen, we’re all human and that’s how we grow. But somehow it’s become some Culture of high productivity, without regard for balancing energy or the importance of mental health. No real emphasis on spiritual growth and this is what creates burnout. This creates a lack of productivity being so focused on being perfect instead of on growing and ideals of continuous progress.

This creates an environment and energy of always getting better through slow, steady, and sustainable growth, vs. fast, give me all your energy, and crash hard, and burn out. On to the next soul to become an Energy vampire to a new victim.

For me, I’m used to working from home, so going into the office with people is a whole other ball game. When working from home I’m clearly not as stressed and I take the time to do what’s necessary for my spirit I’m always in tune with it. Going into an office is something else entirely. There is the commute. There are other personalities and there are more disconnected people. There’s The illusion of time and being on somebody else’s schedule, and so many other, Dynamics, and moving parts that make this type of setup challenging. However, this still can work for me. If I can work independently, I must always be in tune with that inner voice.

      Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

So how do we change this? 

I change this by not listening to the noise or outside opinions of others. Instead, I listen to the small voice inside of me and I listen to the chatter of my ancestors. I listen to the wisdom of my intuition and my ancestors regarding my spirit and guidance. I am a unique expression of divinity, and therefore every day cannot be the same though the patterns of the day may be similar. I feel if I get entrapped by this pattern of monotony based on societies, and cultural norms, I will lose conscious contact with the very essence of my spirit self. I’ve got to shake it up, if we’re all individuals, what works for some may not work for me. As a matter of fact, trying to be conditioned and move like everybody else has never worked for me.

I have to be true to myself, in everything that I do. This means if my spirit says not today or a little later or not at all I go by that. I find it necessary to always be in tune with my spirit, and what’s necessary for my spiritual growth, which is directly tied to mental health and peace as well.

When I have a day like I had the other day, I start getting irritated, upset, bothered, and pulled out of peace. That usually means there’s been little attention to my inner spirit realm and I need to get that together before trying to do anything else.

Nothing works if I’m not OK, I’m much less productive when my spirit around is not OK and I’m too concerned with being perfect instead of learning, what imperfection has to teach me.

 Accountability starts with me and taking care of myself holistically I’m less inclined to let the outside world impact my inner world. So if other people are going to be unaccountable, and we live in a blame culture, that shouldn’t affect me one way or another. It’s nothing new and it’s not gonna change but I can I can make sure that my behaviors are in alignment with who I am on the inside. 

So what am I doing this weekend? I’m gonna do a little yoga I’m gonna do some juicing, I’m gonna do some writing, Maybe catch a nap, read the tarot for some weekend insight, and I’m gonna be there for somebody else who may have had a shitty week! 

Check out my juicing journey on Youtube.

I’m gonna get my mind, body, and spirit right because it’s nobody else’s responsibility but mine, and nobody is the blame for that!

Until the next time loves.

Zipporah Banyay a.k.a Goddess Zee


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