April Monthly Tarot Forecast - The Oracle Speaks...

Hey beautiful souls! 

It's Goddess Zee here, and you know I couldn't let April slip by without diving into our monthly tarot reading. 

There's so much cosmic activity this month - retrogrades, a solar eclipse, the spring equinox, and, it's my birthday month too! Aries season is my favorite time of year! So, you know the energies are going to be wild.

I did a three-card spread to give us some clarity and insight for the month of April. Let's just say, the cards did not hold back, and we’re in for an insightful ride this spring equinox.. 

Check out the full live reading Here

First up in the overall position, we're greeted by the High Priestess. Major Arcana card number two. She's all about tuning into our inner wisdom and intuition. With April's energy, it's like a mystic invitation to lean into your spiritual side and trust your own oracle. This month is screaming for balance and internal reflection, a chance to tap into those deep, creative energies that stir within us. Whether you're channeling your divine femininity or simply seeking to connect deeper with your spirit, the message is clear, trust yourself and the spiritual journey you're on. Are you moving towards or away from alignment?

Next, we have the Page of Swords, swinging in with some intellectual energy in the advice or warning position. This card is sparking ideas left, right, and center. It's telling us to keep our minds open and be ready for a flood of inspiration. But here's the key, it's also a reminder to not get swept away in idea overload and to be intentional with these ideas using your intuition. Not everything is as it appears. This is a time for curiosity, seeking knowledge, and finding new ways to express all of that energy. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by the mental stimulation this card brings, try adding in some meditation to keep the mental peace.

Finally, in the outcome position, we've got the Nine of Pentacles. It's all about the fruits of our labor paying off. Get ready for some financial rewards, a touch of luxury, and a sprinkle of financial independence. It's a big thumbs up from the universe, saying if you've been putting in the hard work, especially around your finances, you're about to see some sweet returns. And hey, it's tax season, so maybe think about investing that tax return wisely. 

So that's it. April's laying down the cards of spiritual introspection, an avalanche of ideas, for tangible rewards. It starts with the wisdom of the High Priestess, moves through the curious energy of the Page of Swords, and wraps up with the abundance of the Nine of Pentacles. 

If this aligns with you then trust that spirit guides wanted you to read this for a reason. There are no mistakes or accidents in the universe. 

Dive into the full video for a deeper exploration of what April has in store for us. 

Let's navigate this month with intention, embracing the spiritual, the intellectual, and the material blessings coming our way. If you like this reading be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don’t miss out on the tarot readings. Until next time, sending you all peace and blessings. 

Catch you on the next reading!


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