Weekly Tarot Reading: May 18-25, 2024

Hello, Beautiful Souls!

It’s your girl, Goddess Zee, back with your weekly tarot reading. This week, I’ll be doing a three-card spread to provide clarity and insight into the collective energy for the week ahead. If you’ve found your way to this blog, your spirit guides and ancestors likely have a message for you.

This week the cards were giving valuable warnings and about halfway through the week, I was able to gain some valuable clarity after having a dream that was in direct alignment with this reading. I often tell people that these readings are to get the general energy of the week. Once conscious of that it is up to the individual to use their intuition, ancestors, and spirit guides to discover how the message applies to you.

Before we dive in, be sure to follow me on YouTube for access to these tarot readings at the beginning of the week, podcast episodes, and exclusive content.

Watch the video of this reading here.

Now, let’s get into our reading!

Card 1: Nine of Cups (Reversed)

Overview: Lack of Energy and Dissatisfaction

The first card in our spread is the Nine of Cups in the reversed position. This card indicates a general feeling of low energy and dissatisfaction. You might be feeling a bit down and unfulfilled at the moment. This lack of energy could be tied to indulgence in material things, leading to a negative impact on your internal happiness.

Advice: Consider cutting back on unnecessary spending and material indulgences. Reflect on how these habits might be affecting your overall well-being and happiness.

Card 2: Seven of Swords (Reversed)

Advice/Warning: Deception and Self-Deception

In the advice or warning position, we have the Seven of Swords, also reversed. This card suggests a need for appraisal and honesty. It’s time to take a spiritual inventory and examine your current situation, relationships, and decisions. There may be someone in your life who is not being entirely truthful, or you might be deceiving yourself about a situation.

Advice: Rethink your approach to relationships and be wary of half-truths. It’s essential to face the reality of the situation and address any self-deception.

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Card 3: Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)

Outcome: Missed Opportunities and Bad Investments

The final card is the Ace of Pentacles, also reversed. This card signifies missed opportunities and possible bad investments. It suggests that a lack of planning and foresight has led to a loss, particularly in financial matters. This could be related to jobs, investments, or other financial decisions.

Advice: Reflect on recent financial decisions and recognize where planning might have fallen short. Use this insight to avoid similar mistakes in the future and consult your spirit guides before making significant investments.


This week’s reading may seem challenging, but knowing these insights can help you navigate potential misfortunes and make better decisions. By cutting back on unnecessary spending, being honest with yourself and others, and planning carefully, you can turn things around and avoid further setbacks.

For me, this week’s message was loaded with insights and I was able to see that, someone in my life had been giving me all the signs about what was going on in our relationship and I was not listening to my inner oracle. I had a dream Tuesday night that gave me all the insight that I needed to make sense of this reading. I was able to communicate my truth in this relationship. This brought me two impactful breakthroughs in the week about how I see myself and my ability, to be honest with myself to acknowledge all of the messages from the universe, and not to look away when I hear something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Remember, each challenge is an opportunity for growth. Stay tuned for the next reading, and until then, peace and blessings to you all!

How does this reading resonate with you?


Don’t forget to follow me on YouTube for more readings and exclusive content. Have a great week!


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