Oh Baby "She" Woke! Never To Go To Sleep Again...

 It’s another beautiful weekend and I’m doing what I love to do most which is unwind and reconnect with myself. This month has been a month of awakening, awareness, endings, and beginnings. Seems like another lesson evolving into transformation. I remember when I used to be frightened by the subconscious taking formation into the material realm. Now I view it as a discovery of deeper worlds inside of me. It seems like I’ve been going through these for as long as I can remember. I’ve been conscious for most of my adult life. I started my seeking journey in my early 20s and I never looked back. That journey took me some amazing rides. What started as meditation morphed into Mind Body, Spirit, connection, spirit, guides, in the physical and spiritual realm, a plethora of teachers and lifetime friends, all evolving into the next phase of the journey.

I remember when I was working as a massage therapist my whole life consisted of holistic healing and spiritual connections. I felt full and satisfied during this phase of my life. I was in my early 30s and I thought I had amassed quite a bit of knowledge. I had an ex that I stayed friends with for a little while, and he and I shared a kindred connection when it came to holistic and spiritual practices. He and I were the first to ever experience tantric sex with one another. Our relationship was like an energy explosion for spiritual expansion, but it ended just as explosive. We were both hanging on and the end of that relationship had come and gone. You know how it is when fear has you trapped in something that no longer serves you? That’s all this was, but he remained a little longer for one vital piece of my journey. One day on a phone call he asked me if I had ever heard of the Book of the Earth. We’ll get back to this shortly. 

During this time, I decided to go off into a career and profession that would allow me to simply focus on money. I struggled with mixing money with spirituality and energy work. I still had some work to do around prosperity mindset during this time. I was a realtor and I’ll never forget my very first client. He was a rental client and I was a new realtor and desperate for any kind of sale. I took him to view the property and offered to take my client to his shop. He had a store inside of the mall that sold Afrocentric products. Natural oils, ankhs, crystals, Shea butter, and black empowerment videos all adorned his quaint little shop in the corner of the building. He had quite a customer base too,  people came up to him like he was a witch doctor, telling him all about their ailments and aches, and he had just the natural remedy for everything, a real local, Dr. Sebi. I was amazed at how he knew all of this off the top of his head. He’s a really good guy and still is to this day. 

On the car ride to his store, he saw my ankh and crystal hanging from the rearview mirror. He says to me “What do you know about that ankh?” This was before I had seen his shop. With such strong conviction and pride, I said “That’s the symbol of life and that rose quartz is good for healing matters of the heart, and bringing the vibration and energy of love into your life.” I knew a little something, Hell I had been on the healing journey for quite a while by this point. I thought I knew all I needed to know and I was well on my way! He says to me, “That’s pretty good. What do you know about melanin?” I said with just as much pride “Melanin is what gives you the pigmentation in your skin.” he said, “Yeah, but what do you really know… about melanin?” by this point, we were pulling up to the mall, and had reached his destination before he got out he said “look up a guy named Dr. Liala Afrika.

Know Thyself

Being the seeker that I am, I could not wait to get home to look up that name. Little did I know my life would change forever after that conversation and I would go into a journey deep into self like I had never gone before. I looked up Dr. Liala Afrika on YouTube immediately after our conversation.

This was the very video that changed my life.

The Power of Melanin: How Melanin Determines Race by Dr. Llaila Afrika

After watching this video, I questioned everything I had been taught up until that point. I simply could not fathom living a life on the planet having never heard this information about melanin before. After all in the United States, there’s a big discussion around race right beside the big hush surrounding race. I’ve always been a want to know why type of person this was giving me answers that started activating things in my DNA that I had always known but couldn’t understand or express how I knew these things. How could melanin be so powerful and how could people who had the most melanin be hated the most? How could melanin be diminished to simply being the thing that pigments your skin? 

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My journey shifted tremendously, and I wanted to know more and more and more. Now back to the ex who told me about The Book of the Earth. This was random as hell for him to even throw that out there, but I know there are no mistakes or accidents in this here universe. When I started my journey in my early 20s, I went from meditation to yoga and crystals to metaphysics. I jumped into the deep end when I started on my journey, and then I swam to the shore and back to the deep end. I was headed for another journey to metaphysics, and it all started with melanin. By the time I got the suggestion to check out Dr. Phil Valentine’s book of the Earth, I had already started my journey into melanin. 

This video series shook me to a whole Nother level

Book Of The Earth Pt 1 Rev Phil Valentine

When I finished watching this entire series for about eight hours straight, I had openings of portals in my spirit body that expanded me to whole entire universes and dimensions of consciousness. Oh baby, I was woke and at this point, there was never any turning back to be that woman I was before this day. I started studying, I went to workshops. I went to classes. My whole world became people who looked like me who were metaphysical, spiritual, holistic. That floored me too because up to that point I had always been the youngest in the only and those other new age, philosophy, classes, and workshops. hmmm…  They even taught me about what to eat, and what not to eat so that I could vibrate higher. Oh, baby, I was woke, never to sleep again. I had already had about eight years of spiritual consciousness and some evolution as well as healing up to that point, but I had no knowledge of self. I had no idea where I came from and the truth about who I am on a spirit level on a metaphysical level. I don’t usually go into metaphysics too much outside of circles where I know people have a greater understanding and overstanding of such subjects. I’ve learned that if people are not ready to receive that level of consciousness, the information falls on deaf ears.

For a brief period, I was in such high emotion about finding out that my entire existence was based on a lie, that I found myself distracted with the physicality of the wrongs that have been done to my people with the most melanin. I started looking up images and videos of police brutality. This was a dangerous and slippery slope. I was a part of the Black Lives Matter rant not the movement. I wasn’t actually doing anything about it. I was just spreading awareness about what was happening. I’ll never forget the day I told my grandmother about this story about a police officer shooting a guy in the back and he was black and he was running away from him unarmed. My grandmother said to me, “Baby they’ve been doing that, this ain’t nothing new.” that’s when I realized the trauma that she must have seen and experienced in her lifetime being a black woman born in America in the late 1930s, the Jim Crow era! Damn… I found myself getting more and more enraged and outraged by what I was seeing.

The sheer lack and devaluation of human life, the ability for American culture to be completely desensitized to the murder of certain human beings. The fact that in the 2000s Black people were still being viewed as less than human by society. I was downright mad as hell and I felt powerless over the situation like there was nothing I could do. I almost lost my way in this state of being. Everything was black this and black that and I was lashing out at everybody, I was hypersensitive and had lost my way, and I was losing the stories of the magnificence and brilliance of my ancestors. I was making noise. I wasn’t doing anything applicable to be able to create the change that I so desperately wanted to see. Knowledge without application is useless! 

Eventually, I came back around to get back on the beam understanding the history, not HIS story, but the actual truth of the Earth led me to levels of higher consciousness and then I was able to see with a third eye vision, what is actually being a ALLOWED to happen on this planet and why. I truly believe that that phase of my journey was necessary as well, after all, there was trauma stored in my DNA. Anger and pain for what was stolen from my ancestors, especially when I knew where I truly came from and that the story in the school books simply wasn’t true. I had lived my life and had been socialized and culturally appropriated at an early age, along with my peers to believe that I was less than because of the color of my skin and that I would have to work harder to be able to achieve the same results as my lighter peers. They were fed the lie that they were better than people who looked like me and that everything was promised to them as their forefathers who stole this land and everything else, also lied to them and their ancestors too. 


Having all of this knowledge and truth gave me something I never had. I was smart. I was determined, I was courageous. I am a healer I am empathic. I am intuitive, but I had no knowledge of self. I was wandering around aimlessly like a chameleon, changing my spots to find someplace in this world. Armed with the facts about myself and  my ancestors I began to move differently. I began to think differently, I began to act different and I began to teach something different to my children. I had my girls coming with me to all of these classes, workshops, and spiritual events having their minds fed with the knowledge and the truth about themselves at an early age. I spoke and spoke empowerment and confidence into my children. 

Free at Last

I continued my journey of meeting more and more empowered Melanated beings that looked like me, and who had knowledge of who they were, they acknowledged their ancestors, they practiced their traditional spirituality of the ancestors way and so did I. The movies that I watched, the art on my wall, and the music that I listened to changed into something that was feeding my spirit and enhancing that empowerment about myself and my girls watched it all. The food that I ate allowed my temple to receive downloads into my spirit daily. I stayed in meditation and uplifting High vibratory conversations. Oh, baby she was wokeNever to go to sleep again! My world depicted positive and uplifting images of Melanated beings everywhere. It didn’t matter what I experienced in the outside world from other people because my internal world and my reality were one of empowerment. I had become Free for the first time in my life. I had been walking around thinking I was free and I wasn’t. Talk about the ultimate delusional reality. Freedom of the mind, freedom of the spirit, and freedom from the bondage of lies.

I recognized that we as a people had continued to have shackles on our minds and though our bodies were free, our minds were meant to be enslaved so that we could never get to a place of freedom and empowerment. Over time we would eventually tear ourselves down and ultimately it would look like we did it to ourselves. Talk about a mind fuck! I stayed in that state of consciousness for a while until my ancestors urged me to move on to a more individual and intimate connection with them. I left the community, but I’ll never forget what they instilled in me. The foundational information and education got me to a certain place to reactivate what was already inside of me and for that I will forever be grateful to those magical spirits, beings, and spirit guides on the planet.

I continued my journey carrying everything that I had already had with me and in working with my ancestors, they showed me the way. They said to me if you want to create the changes you so desperately seek start with your children and your children’s children. Teach them the way so that they will never again forget who they are. They come from a powerful people, and that must be instilled in them and they passed the torch to me. Being the healer that I had always been, I felt the urge to step into my position. Along the journey, I encountered people who looked like me and had a tremendous amount of trauma stored in their DNA trapped without an outlet.

My passion for helping people to heal the generational trauma that’s stored in them was born. I wanted them to begin to activate higher levels of consciousness and vibrations so that they in turn could connect with their ancestors to begin to heal themselves, teaching their children and their children’s children. Breaking cycles and changing paradigms creates whole new universes! I truly believe this is the change and this is the way to Higher vibratory Living and conciousness. When the rest of the planet sees us doing this, everyone else will follow our example. There will always be the few who want to keep the status quo of so-called privilege but we don’t worry about them, they no longer have power over our reality and states of conciousness.

I sometimes hear people, throwing around the term, conscious and woke. To be conscious, and Higher vibratory requires a constant state of mind and being which requires inner work daily to maintain that level of consciousness or you can and will go back to sleep. I’ve encountered people who think that because I don’t participate in the black narrative that I must not be woke. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. That state of mind as described above is damaging and useless, I have evolved to higher levels of consciousness since then and I hope they do the same. My black narrative is one of empowerment and healing today. We don’t beg, we don’t complain, and we don’t grovel. We narrate our own story! 

Sankofa is an expression in the Twi language of Ghana whose literal meaning is “Go back and get it!” It is actually a fusion of the two words in the Akan second-person imperative sentence, “San kɔfa!”

Sankofa is an Adinkra symbol that embodies the spirit and attitude of reverence for the past, reverence for one’s forebears, reverence for one’s history, and reverence for one’s elders.

Sankofa Reference


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