
Showing posts from March, 2024

Balm for the Soul: Healing Without Hurry or Hindrance

  Healing is Not for the Faint-Hearted Photo by Jay Castor on Unsplash One thing that I’ve discovered is that healing has no expiration and there are layers to healing. I remember, at the beginning of my healing journey, at a different phase of the journey. I started tapping into my direct traumas. I was well versed in working with therapists and sufficient in energy healing. I would find myself going through bouts of sadness about the trauma I had experienced and that pain would shift to gratitude for clarity and understanding, and then eventually that feeling or memory of the traumatic event did not exist anymore. The memory would be there, but the feeling of pain would not. The sadness would slowly subside, and eventually, I even learned to have compassion for other people through the relatedness of their experiences. it was as if I was not seeing through the eyes of the same trauma and the shift allowed room and space for connecting to others, at least from a relatability perspect

My Ancestors Raised Me: Part 2

  Blurry Beginnings The mind is a very powerful mechanism it can forget things to protect the person and create more tolerable memories that make the person feel more comfortable about their existence. After some of the most traumatic experiences of my life, I shifted to memories of joyfully playing as a kid. I remember being one of the kids playing outside in the scorching heat of St. Croix. I didn’t seem to mind at all as long as I got to get my hands dirty. I remember the geckos at the time but all I saw were lizards everywhere. They seemed so much bigger as a small child.  Before we headed to St. Croix U.S.V.I. we made a brief detour to Miami, Florida and there I would meet some major players in my life some of them wouldn’t come back around until later, and some not at all. I met my dad‘s mom, she was such a sweet lady and always seemed to have a big smile on her face. I remember that gold tooth, in the front of her teeth gleaming every time she grinned. I seemed to spend most of

Loose Laces: Untying the Knots of Life's Lessons

Sometimes you just need to take a pause and slow the hell down. That’s what this week has been teaching me. Sometimes I trip over my shoelaces or somebody else's. It seems that just when I think I’ve got a good handle on things. Here comes life situations to teach me more lessons and that I still need to grow up. I’m a rather intuitive individual but when I’m off track it is the polar opposite and I am 99% wrong about what I perceive a situation or person to be. I can really go down the rabbit hole of insane thinking if something does a real me back in. Usually when I backtrack, in hindsight, I could see exactly where the unintended detour started. Let’s take yesterday, for example. I love my job, but my job comes with stressors that the average person would probably quit over. I practice yoga, meditation, and prayer but sometimes skip a day or two. Recently, I’ve had a lot going on in the left brain lane which is all the logical get things done or it won’t get done side of the str

Breaking Generational Cycles

  Good afternoon beautiful souls. It’s a chilly day here in Nashville, Tennessee, and needless to say, I’m ready to get back to my high 70s weather in coastal Florida. It’s amazing how that works. I get to travel and see loved ones and the other parts of the earth but oftentimes I have to give up my great weather. Image: From the Plane Thank goodness this is a short trip. I'm glad to see my oldest daughter and our newest edition, my grandson. It’s an absolute joy to experience this phase of life. I was a young mother when I had my girls completely clueless about life let alone being a mother, but they taught me, my ancestors guided me and now my daughter is a young mom too like me, I’m grateful to be able to actively participate in breaking the cycle of generational trauma. I get to be there for her and my little man. I come from a not-very close-knit family. It’s not their fault everyone just seemed most concerned with surviving themselves and doing what they had to do and it wasn

Latent Talents in My DNA

Good morning, Beautiful Souls It’s a beautiful day in coastal Florida and I just finished my morning ritual. Prayer, readings, and meditation. What a beautiful way to live today I wake up every morning, and I thank the great spirit of the universe for a full life and a spiritual existence. I remember times when I didn’t feel that way I felt there was no point in living. I felt like my life was one big curse from childhood, and I always felt like somebody or something was out to get me. I could see no real purpose to my life. I would go on to tap into healing and I would get these spurts of feeling like things were looking up and then the life would show up and I would come crashing down again. I was like a Jenga puzzle. One slight move too far to the left, and it all came tumbling down in more pieces than before. I had no coping skills, and I had no regular healing habits or rituals. Sure, I had lots of knowledge of spirit guides and a deeper understanding of the universe but knowledge

My Ancestors Raised Me: Part 1

Trigger alert 🚨  Some parts of this reading may trigger feelings of trauma or sadness and unhappy times in your life that either happened to you or maybe you were the doer. My intention isn’t to upset anyone but simply to help someone and to share my story. I remember times as A little girl in a very cold world that seemed like a very unhappy place to be. My most unhappy moments was at home. When most people thought of home as a place where they felt safe and could be themselves and receive unconditional love. For me, this was the place I felt the most unsafe.  I remember flashing blue lights, Law enforcement, Grandads with 12 gauge shotguns, crying mothers, father in a rage with bloodshot red eyes, and shocked, and bewildered siblings. This was the age of three and my life had already become a mystery. This was one of the first memories I carried with me and I can time travel back to that moment as if it happened 30 minutes ago. Later on, I would find out that definitely qualifies as